Current Goal: $378/$1,200 per month!

Sustain the Movement!

Thank you for being part of the movement for liberation!

Your monthly contributions will help grow the work of the Philly Liberation Center – a vital hub for service, education, and political empowerment in Philadelphia’s poor and working-class neighborhoods.

Without access to funding from establishment political parties, billionaire developers, or corporate foundations, the Liberation Center has thrived on small donations from members, volunteers and our local community. We have already accomplished so much together.

How will we use your monthly contribution?

Your donation will sustain the ongoing work of the Philly Liberation Center, helping fund our political education programming, direct action events, providing meeting space for community organizations, outreach and serve the people programs like park cleanups, supplies drives, and block parties, and ongoing initiatives including participation in the statewide PA 4 Abortion campaign and our summer tutoring program Escuelita Oscar Romero.

Since opening the doors of our new Liberation Center in October 2022, we are now open four days a week to provide access to our library, volunteer staff, and other educational resources.

Our highly committed community-based volunteers work tirelessly to identify and provide crucial services while building relationships with community leaders, neighborhood organizations, and mutual aid groups.

By fostering strong networks of solidarity and care in our communities, we aim to activate the political potential of poor and working class people as a new basis for winning progressive politics in Philadelphia and beyond.

What will your contribution provide to you?

Monthly sustainers will be invited to upcoming Liberation Center events (online and in person) including political demonstrations, educational lectures and discussions, and community celebrations.

Will my donation be tax-deductible?

The Philadelphia Liberation Center is sponsored by Greater Philadelphia United, a registered 501(c)4 public welfare organization. Please email for information about making a tax deductible donation.

Click through either box below to make a monthly or yearly donation with credit or debit cards. To become a sustainer via PayPal, click here and be sure to check “make this a recurring donation.”

Thank you so much for your support!

Monthly Sustainer

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Yearly Sustainer

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