PLC Press: January 2021

The United States entered 2021 much like how we left 2020; still without assistance from any level of government to properly tackle the spread of COVID-19. However, neither the government’s apathy nor cold weather could deter our organizers with the Philadelphia Liberation Center from developing programs which meet the needs of the people and preparing to struggle. 

On January 9th we began to distribute care packages, filled with medical supplies, information for healthcare and food services, and extra clothes for the winter in West Philadelphia’s Malcolm X Park. On January 24th over forty volunteers were mobilized in Kensington’s Fairhill Square Park, knocking door to door to inform families how to register themselves and their loved ones for the COVID-19 vaccine. And finally, every other weekend we continue to deliver food staples to hundreds of families in the city through our Unity and Survival Program, which has been in operation for the past 6 months. 

These initiatives and more are conducted for the sake of building power in our neighborhoods. As the U.S. government flounders and flops with developing a response to the pandemic, the people have for months faced the brunt of the state’s negligence and apathy, taking the form of compounding rent debt for millions, massive unemployment without relief or aid, and a health crisis leaving over 400,000 dead and counting. While the state proves itself time and time again as incompetent, our members and volunteers continue to hit the streets, connecting with the people, and developing programs that meet their needs. Only when the people are organized and united can they hope to overcome any obstacle. 

However, to keep these initiatives running, and to maintain our political independence as a volunteer-run and donations-based community organization, we ask for our supporters to make a contribution to help continue our Unity and Survival Program. Our program faces losing food share boxes by April 2021—these boxes make up the bulk of the food we deliver across the city. Only through donations can we promise to provide healthy food consistently to the 500 households we currently serve.

Make a contribution on our GoFundMe.

Finally, as testament to the state’s incompetency, the United States under the Biden administration, which dressed itself as the campaign for justice and rationality against Donald Trump, chooses to continue with a pointless impeachment process for a president that is no longer in office, instead of rightfully charging Trump and his conspirators for the January 6th assault on the Capitol. This spinelessness expressed by the Democratic Party gives one little hope for any progress in directly meeting the needs of all people living in the United States as we continually find ourselves isolated by the state in facing off against growing crises. Check out the following article on for further analysis on the behavior of the Democratic Party and the rehabilitation of Donald Trump:

We hope you’ve enjoyed this issue of PLC Press. If you’re not a member of our Patreon and wish to support our work, consider subscribing here. Next issue will cover all the events we’ve participated in for February 2021. See you then!

Serve! Study! Struggle! Win!